The cock and the sun
There is great commotion at the poultry farm. The cock is ill; he has lost his voice and so won’t be able to crow tomorrow as the sun rises.
The chickens are running back and forth in total chaos, cackling in panic, because if their lord and master is unable to crow tomorrow morning, the sun won’t rise. They believe that the cock summons the sun with his crowing and they are afraid that it will stay dark the next day.
The following morning, tensions are rising at the farm. Eventually, the sick cock clambers on top of the high manure heap with great effort and opens his beak to crow, but nothing happens. Time and again, he tries, but without much success.
Meanwhile, the sun rises. The chickens are shocked, because the sun simply rises, even without their master’s call! They chase off the cock, that big imposter of the farm.
The morning after, the chickens are still asleep when the sun rises, because there is no cock waking them up with his crowing to watch the wonder of the sunrise.